Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Sweet Moments

With Spring Break right around the corner, it's time to see what's been happening in our classroom over the last couple of weeks.

I have such a fantastic group of writers this year. We have begin using interactive notebooks to learn, practice and improve on our writing skills. Every Friday a new concept is taught (this week we are working on using Reference Materials). Throughout the week second graders are encouraged to use their interactive writing notebook and practice the concept during their "work on writing" center. 

We are finishing up a unit in Fractions and Measurement this month, and I am sure you have seen a variety of things come home to compliment this unit. We have been playing "Fraction Top It" and "The Equivalent Fraction Game" to support what I am teaching. Fraction cards will go home this Thursday, so ask your second grader how to play over Spring Break! 

It was great to see you at conferences and celebrate all the success that is happening with your student in second grade. Below are some more pictures from the last month!

Yours in Learning,

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy New Year!

Happy 2014 Second Grade Families! We had such a successful 2013, I cannot wait to see what this year has in store. The post below is filled with the learning and fun that has occurred in our two days back from Winter Break. 

After almost two weeks away from school, it was necessary to re-teach routines, rules and our second grade procedures. As a reward for reviewing and practicing these routines correctly there was a bag labeled with an analog clock for each hour of the day. At the beginning of the hour one second grader was chosen to identify the correct clock, open the bag and read the note inside. Browse the pictures below to see what was found in the bags throughout the day!

In addition to re-teaching routines we began learning addition and subtraction number stories. It is very difficult for second graders to decipher if the problem is asking them to add or subtract. I taught this math lesson in three different groups. 

My first small group we sorted "addition words" and "subtraction words" on chart paper and completed the math journal page together, referring back to our poster that we had made.

 My second group independently cut, sorted, and pasted addition and subtraction vocabulary, after I checked their project they were able to complete their math journal page independently and referenced their poster for help. 

My third group highlighted addition words yellow, and subtraction words blue in their math journal and completed the problems independently with further extension. 

By the end of the day, everyone had a great handle on addition and subtraction number stories! I am excited to share 2014 with your 2nd grader! 

Yours in Learning,

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Well, I have a picture overload for you here! We have been so busy in 2nd grade this month and I am excited to show you what we've been working on!

In math this month we have started a "math mouth". At the beginning of the month we discuss, look up, manipulate and identify all the math vocabulary that students will encounter throughout the unit. After learning the words we add them to our math mouth. When students ask questions, discuss problems with partners, play math games and work with me they are expected to use their "math mouth". Go ahead; ask them to use it at home, too!



After reviewing tough concepts I've been making review math box problems for students to work together on during morning work. After doing this for an entire Unit in math it was exciting to see how test scores SOARED in my classroom!

In writing this month we have been discussing the difference between fact and opinion. My students wrote a paper convincing readers why Clive Elementary is the BEST school. I also had students write a piece to Mr. Pierce about why we should have a snow day! Mr. Pierce wrote us back, and the kids LOVED it!




I've introduced our writing corner. During "work on writing" students have the option of different graphic organizers to organize their ideas, differentiated writing paper, writing prompts based on the Common Core Standards, writing sticks for fun, and colorful pens for descriptive words!

This week we are exploring Yeh-Shen, a Chinese version of Cinderella. Being a huge Princess fan myself, I was very excited for this week. Before reading the play we listed all the "Cinderella Schema" we knew so we could compare our reader’s theatre to the true story of Cinderella. Videos of their reader's theatre plays will be available for viewing at open house!


As my second graders are growing in their knowledge of words and expanding their genres of reading I wanted to show you what text they have available in our classroom. Eachstudent's book box has a poetry binder filled with themed poetry from our school year, four books chosen by myself that are specific to your students reading level, three books that students get to pick, scholastic kids magazines themed by month, and a readers response journal that students write in each day.

Whatever Holiday you celebrate, I hope you get to spend some time snuggling up with your sweet one reading, talking and enjoying your time together. Thank you for letting me be a piece of their world :).

Yours in Learning,

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Welcome October!

Fall is one of my very favorite seasons. With it comes new books, activities, seasons and learning opportunities. Here is what October has in store for Miss Kirk's Sweet Second Graders:

We are working on writing scary sentences this week. Eventually our published pieces will include sight and sound words. We first practiced writing scary words, scary sentences and are now working on scary stories!


Each month I put out tons of new books for my students to enjoy. It provides them opportunities to read different books than our normal classroom library. I also pulled books about autumn from our school library and heartland AEA! They have TONS of themed texts right at their fingertips for the entire month!


If you haven't heard about her already, then I am sure you have seen the glitter come home on their hands :) ! My friend the Desk Fairy visited to reward students with super clean desks! It's amazing how a small incentive can brighten their world!

 In reading we have been heavily focusing on identify Main Idea and Supporting Details. This is our whole class text for the week. Have you asked your second grader what the main idea of a text is recently? Go ahead, ask! They will WOW you! :)

After a successful first unit, we have started a math block that allows your student to see me in a small group setting. When they are not spending time receiving individualized instruction they are able to go to these different stations!

October means coat weather! Please make sure to send a jacket with your second grader for those chilly recesses! Winter will be here before we know it!

And finally, I absolutely love teaching your students each day. I am ready an amazing month of October!

Monday, September 9, 2013


Our second grade year has begun with a magnificant start! It is so much fun to get to know each student personally, and as a learner. We have a big week in 2K ahead of us.

Our first math test is on Wednesday, where 2nd graders will be tested on number grid problems, counting coins, greater than, less than, and equal to. I am confident that each second grader will be successful. In math we have been working hard on how to answer math message problems. After writing their answer on their white borad they have to turn to a parnter and share their thinking!

Thursday is school pictures, as well as curriculum night. At that time I will go over lots of information on our upcoming year. I also will have materials for you to help your student grow as a learner at home!

I look forward to blogging and posting more pictures about our school year. Look for weekly blog posts. Thanks for sharing your sweet second grader with me!

Yours in Learning,

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Teacher Switch

This Friday we celebrated with Teacher Switch day. I set up 6 different teachers to come as a surprise and teach a lesson! It was ADORABLE to see their surprised faces with each teacher that came in!

Mrs. Miller, our librarian came in and read about airplanes. It was a fun start off the day. The book incorporated poetry; we just finished studying this!

Next Mrs. Michl came in. She brought animal crackers for each student to enjoy while she read short scary stories. We even turned the lights off to set the tone. A few students were a little frightened :) ! 

The next teacher that came in was the biggest surprise... Mr. Barton! He came in and read the book "The Little Red Hen". He asked students to check for understanding through the whole story.

After that Mrs. Taylor came in, we discussed idioms such as: I have butterflies in my tummy, it's raining cat's and dogs, and don't let the cat out of the bag. The best part was to hear the students use the idioms the rest of the day!

After lunch Mrs. Jones our instructional coach came in as our next teacher. She made cute envelopes for each student and we spent time writing compliments (with evidence) on note cards to give to our peers. You should have seen their faces reading the compliments. It was priceless!

Lastly, Mr. Pierce visited our classroom to read. He brought a book review that his daughter had written; the second graders LOVED that! 

Yours in Learning,

Monday, May 13, 2013

2nd Grade Field Trip

This morning we kicked off our Plant unit with a trip to the Botanical Center. Students got to see different types of plant life and they did a great job with their observations! It was a very humid and tropical environment, and I was so proud of each 2nd grader!

I would say the best part was playing baseball/500 at Colby Park, and planting our seeds when we got back to the classroom.

Some of my favorite quotes from today:
Neva: “I don’t remember the last time I have been this excited. RIDING THE BUS IS SO COOL!”
Cale: “I didn’t realize leaves could hurt so bad (see picture above).
Lily: “I found and Aloe plant; just like we were reading about in Science!!!”

As always, your 2nd graders are the most precious people in my world and I am so blessed to teach them each day!

Yours in Learning,