Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Welcome October!

Fall is one of my very favorite seasons. With it comes new books, activities, seasons and learning opportunities. Here is what October has in store for Miss Kirk's Sweet Second Graders:

We are working on writing scary sentences this week. Eventually our published pieces will include sight and sound words. We first practiced writing scary words, scary sentences and are now working on scary stories!


Each month I put out tons of new books for my students to enjoy. It provides them opportunities to read different books than our normal classroom library. I also pulled books about autumn from our school library and heartland AEA! They have TONS of themed texts right at their fingertips for the entire month!


If you haven't heard about her already, then I am sure you have seen the glitter come home on their hands :) ! My friend the Desk Fairy visited to reward students with super clean desks! It's amazing how a small incentive can brighten their world!

 In reading we have been heavily focusing on identify Main Idea and Supporting Details. This is our whole class text for the week. Have you asked your second grader what the main idea of a text is recently? Go ahead, ask! They will WOW you! :)

After a successful first unit, we have started a math block that allows your student to see me in a small group setting. When they are not spending time receiving individualized instruction they are able to go to these different stations!

October means coat weather! Please make sure to send a jacket with your second grader for those chilly recesses! Winter will be here before we know it!

And finally, I absolutely love teaching your students each day. I am ready an amazing month of October!

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