Saturday, May 25, 2013

Teacher Switch

This Friday we celebrated with Teacher Switch day. I set up 6 different teachers to come as a surprise and teach a lesson! It was ADORABLE to see their surprised faces with each teacher that came in!

Mrs. Miller, our librarian came in and read about airplanes. It was a fun start off the day. The book incorporated poetry; we just finished studying this!

Next Mrs. Michl came in. She brought animal crackers for each student to enjoy while she read short scary stories. We even turned the lights off to set the tone. A few students were a little frightened :) ! 

The next teacher that came in was the biggest surprise... Mr. Barton! He came in and read the book "The Little Red Hen". He asked students to check for understanding through the whole story.

After that Mrs. Taylor came in, we discussed idioms such as: I have butterflies in my tummy, it's raining cat's and dogs, and don't let the cat out of the bag. The best part was to hear the students use the idioms the rest of the day!

After lunch Mrs. Jones our instructional coach came in as our next teacher. She made cute envelopes for each student and we spent time writing compliments (with evidence) on note cards to give to our peers. You should have seen their faces reading the compliments. It was priceless!

Lastly, Mr. Pierce visited our classroom to read. He brought a book review that his daughter had written; the second graders LOVED that! 

Yours in Learning,

Monday, May 13, 2013

2nd Grade Field Trip

This morning we kicked off our Plant unit with a trip to the Botanical Center. Students got to see different types of plant life and they did a great job with their observations! It was a very humid and tropical environment, and I was so proud of each 2nd grader!

I would say the best part was playing baseball/500 at Colby Park, and planting our seeds when we got back to the classroom.

Some of my favorite quotes from today:
Neva: “I don’t remember the last time I have been this excited. RIDING THE BUS IS SO COOL!”
Cale: “I didn’t realize leaves could hurt so bad (see picture above).
Lily: “I found and Aloe plant; just like we were reading about in Science!!!”

As always, your 2nd graders are the most precious people in my world and I am so blessed to teach them each day!

Yours in Learning,


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

What a Wondering Wednesday!

We began our day enjoying May Day baskets with our morning work!

          We have been studying Japan in Social Studies and these 2nd graders have read, written, and researched this country! Today students wore a white top and cap as a practice of what Japanese culture is like in school. Hy-Vee donated chopsticks and we got to practice using these as our eating utensils with sweet and sour chicken.

          Lily brought sushi for lunch. She shared one of her California Rolls with me (I have never had one before!). Needless to say, she explained all their ingredients, and I spit it out!

Yours in Learning,